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About us - Oncativo SA

About us

Our Company

Establecimientos Metalurgicos Oncativo S.A. is a consolidated company that has the most demanding standards in quality, service, design, development, environmental, safety and health of its workers. This makes ita leader, to Agro, the main activity of the Country.

Located in the city of Oncativo, rural and industrial zone par excellence, it is located Establecimientos Metalurgicos Oncativo S.A. It is constituted by a modern factory complex, equipped with the most modern technology applied to the development, production and commercialization of an extensive line of products that aim to satisfy the demand of the merchant of conventional, vertical, direct seeding and road machinery.

Establecimientos Metalurgicos Oncativo S.A. in its set of operations occupies a property totally integrated by 12,000 square meters. These facilities are comprised of the entire manufacturing plant, administrative offices, engineering and development department, purchasing area, sales area, shipping and logistics.

Strategically located 70 km from the city of Córdoba capital, site from which the company distributes through a tight logistics program all its product line, which under an adjusted procedure, are directed to direct customers, dealers, manufacturers of agricultural implements and foreign countries.

Our History

Everything began by the mid 1930s when two Del Boca brothers started a repair shop repairing carriages and agricultural machines from the city. Shortly after, another brother joined them and created a company named Del Boca Hnos. Due to the farmers’ necessity of certain spare parts, especially plowshares, the brothers decided to start producing this product.

Observing the positive economic results obtained, the need to gain new markets arose and this was achieved by the incorporation of new members to the firm who provided their knowledge about the national market. By this time, the firm started to be named Establecimientos Metalurgicos S.R.L.

Then, by the 1950s, the firm turned into a public limited company and began a constant expansion which helped maintain its leadership in the spare parts production, always working under the premise of “satisfying clients” need with best quality products.

All these years, the incorporation of technology, the improvement of quality, the development of new products and the conquer of new markets have been the common objective of all the company’s members.

Our Work

Establecimientos Metalurgicos Oncativo S.A. manufactures its agricultural parts with the highest quality standards in all its stages of production. This raw material is transformed, in our installations, in sheet, by the process of Lamination “Cross” or in “Cross”; Operation that guarantees us an unequaled quality in all our products, and especially in the discs of seeders, drains and plows.

Said cross-lamination is one of the characteristics that differentiate us from the rest of the manufacturers. This process consists of obtaining the sheet, through successive passes of the raw material between the rolling cylinders, turning the piece between one pass and another. This allows us to obtain a distribution of the fibers of the material in the form of “net” and radial throughout the piece.

These activities are centralized in our plant, which occupies 7000 m2, located in the city of Oncativo, 100 kms from the city of Córdoba. From there we provide directly to all users of our products and to resellers from all over Argentina. As well as the main manufacturers of agricultural machinery in the country. Since 2002, we have been marketing our products on 4 continents. From the first export, the links in the markets were strengthened year by year, and the units of exported products and the applicant countries increased in a staggered way.

Our products are currently sold in the United States, Mexico, Uruguay, Brazil, Peru, Turkey, Russia, Venezuela, New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Paraguay, Bolivia, Chile, Germany, Portugal, France and Ukraine. And we continue to work to consolidate our position in foreign markets.


Quality Standars


Establecimientos Metalurgicos Oncativo S.A. is a consolidated company that has the most demanding standards in quality, service, design, development, environmental, safety and health of its workers. This makes it a leader, to Agro, the main activity of the Country.

These premises allow to ensure Customer Satisfaction, and are the fundamental pillars for Growth and Expansion. This march is reaffirmed, following its Labor Policy, Certification I.S.O. 9001: 2008 Quality Management, O.H.S.A.S. 18001: 2007 Safety and Health at Work and I.S.O. 14001: 2004 Environment, in all areas of the Company; And validated by the important export to the United States of North America, Mexico, South America and Oceania

We are in 19 countries

We have international certifications

We are 80 years old from experience

Establecimientos Metalurgicos Oncativo S.A manufactures its agricultural parts with the highest quality standards. These same control criteria for the finished product are applied in each of the company’s areas, making this true concept of total quality the way and result for the certification of the ISO 9001 STANDARDS.

Once our international quality objectives have been met, our company evolves as a result of the constant supervision and commitment of qualified engineers, technicians and operators. Each product immersed in the market is designed, elaborated and rigorously tested in the field with the aim of improving agricultural development and productivity.